Maximize the effectiveness and visual impact of your Facebook cover image, by adhering to Facebook's specific cover dimensions.  As many users have discovered, getting your cover to position perfectly can be frustrating.  By keeping your cover at 820 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall, your cover should end up looking exactly as you envision it.  Attempting to upload an image that's too small, will result in a stretched-out and blurry image.

If you're looking to include your company logo or a high-resolution image in your Facebook cover, consider saving it as a PNG file.  For most covers, however, it's advisable to keep the file size under 100 kb.

All Facebook Image Dimensions

  • Facebook Cover Photo size: 851 x 315
  • Facebook Profile Photo size: 170 x 170
  • Facebook Shared Image size: 1200 x 630
  • Facebook Reels and Stories: 1080 x 1920
  • Facebook Event Image size: 1920 x 1080

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