You can use either of the following tags to include events on any page:

[[events]] - this will show events in thumbnail format that includes description. Note: displaying more than 10 events at a time might cause slower page load.

[[events-table]] - this will show events in a list format with event name, location and dates

[[events-simple-list]] - this will show events in a list format with event name only

When an event is submitted, it'll use the "Event Signup" form for the admin notify emails and redirect action.


To only include events of a particular category, add the category id.

[[events category="999"]]

[[events-table category="999"]]

[[events-simple-list category="999"]]


You can limit the number of events that show by setting the limit attribute.

[[events limit="5"]]

[[events-table limit="5"]]

[[events-simple-list limit="5"]]

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