To show all categories you can use these short codes

Thumbnail view, 4 columns

[[category sort-dir="asc"]] - Name A-Z

[[category sort-dir="desc"]] - Name Z-A

List view

[[category as="list" sort-dir="asc"]] - This will list all primary and child categories A-Z (number being before A)

[[category as="list" sort-dir="desc"]] - This will list all primary and child categories Z-A (number being after A)

Show subcategories

[[products category="1" col="4" sort="name" as="thumbnail"]] - Show sub-categories of parent category #1 as thumbnail view (4 columns)

[[products category="1" sort="name" as="list"]] - Show sub-categories of parent category #1 as list view

To show products on a page within a category, use the following short code

  • products"ID# HERE": This means the category you want to show products for.
  • col="4": This maens how any products you want to show per row.
  • as="thumbnail" and "list": This means how you want to display product.
  • sort="VALUE": This means how you want your products sorted.
  • showFilters="0": This means to hide the sort and filters
  • limit="4": This means you can add a limit to how many products to show

To show products in thumbnail view

[[products category="2" col="4" as="thumbnail" sort="name"]] - Show products in order by Name, A-Z

[[products category="2" col="4" as="thumbnail" sort="name_desc"]] - Show products in order by Name, Z-A

[[products category="2" col="4" as="thumbnail" sort="views"]] - Show products in order by Most Popular (# of page views that product receives)

[[products category="2" col="4" as="thumbnail" sort="price_desc"]] - Show products in order by Lowest Price

[[products category="2" col="4" as="thumbnail" sort="price_asc"]] - Show products in order by Highest Price

[[products category="2" col="4" as="thumbnail" sort="created_desc"]] - Show products in order by newest created

[[products category="2" col="4" as="thumbnail" sort="created_asc"]] - Show products in order by oldest created

To show products in list view

[[products category="2" col="4" as="list" sort="name"]] - Show products in order by Name, A-Z

[[products category="2" col="4" as="list" sort="name_desc"]] - Show products in order by Name, Z-A

[[products category="2" col="4" as="list" sort="views"]] - Show products in order by Most Popular (# of page views that product receives)

[[products category="2" col="4" as="list" sort="price_desc"]] - Show products in order by Lowest Price

[[products category="2" col="4" as="list" sort="price_asc"]] - Show products in order by Highest Price

[[products category="2" col="4" as="list" sort="created_desc"]] - Show products in order by newest created

[[products category="2" col="4" as="list" sort="created_asc"]] - Show products in order by oldest created

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