It’s been a long time in the making, but Google recently announced that beginning in mid-November of 2020, its Googlebot will begin actively crawling some websites over HTTP/2.  We understand that there are many who have questions about how this highly anticipated change will affect their website’s page rank, performance and search results, however this is a highly complex topic.  We recommend reading their recent HTTP/2 webmaster blog to learn more about the technical implementations, and whether or not it will affect your website.

Test your website here

HTTP/2 represents one of the most significant changes to the internet since 1997, and has been implemented to make search and data retrieval more rapid, efficient and relevant to the user.  At CMS Max, we offer a wide range of services and expertise to ensure that your website is in the best position for HTTP/2 web crawling.

  • Server upgrades to support HTTP/2 web crawls
  • Advanced HTTP-2 server support and functionality tests
  • Detailed review to ensure qualifications for crawl eligibility
  • Tracking website crawls to determine site accessibility
  • Detailed consultations on the advantages of HTTP/2 upgrades

Is Your Website Ready for HTTP/2?

Whether you’re concerned about making sure your website is crawlable under the new HTTP/2 search protocol, or simply looking to learn more about how it may affect your visibility and page rank, CMS Max can help.  Get in touch with our Rochester, NY office and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We can be reached via email 24/7 through our contact page and one of our webmasters will get back to you promptly.