Whether it's your first business website or you're upgrading from an older/outdated site, there's a lot of debate and confusion over the advantages of custom sites, compared to template, cookie-cutter and other build it yourself websites. Many companies claim to offer high-level integrated SEO and other backend visibility perks, but when you know how the code works, the differences become more obvious. One of the most crucial elements of responsive website design is page speed, a relatively simple feature that has can have surprisingly wide-ranging effects.

Let's review some of the ways in which page speed affects the performance and rank of your website, and how template and custom-built websites differ in their design approach.

Custom Websites VS Templates for Google Page Speed

Improved User Experience

For those new to search algorithms and page rank parameters, let's just say that Google and other major search engines now place tremendous emphasis on the quality of a user's overall experience. And as you know, nothing can ruin that faster than a slow loading site. Custom websites follow meticulous guidelines and use updated technology to ensure that pages open rapidly, and without repeated 404 error pages. Page speed, as we'll discuss, ties in closely to Bounce Rate… another key rank criteria that often goes overlooked.

Better Bounce Rate

For you noobs, bounce rate is exactly what it sounds like… how freely and quickly are users able to bounce around from page to page on your website. Poor page speed not only affects how Google sees you, but it can infuriate potential customers to the point of leaving before even getting to know you. With a customized website, all menus and links are strategically positioned and structured to flow effortlessly and encourage more click-through. Template sites may look pretty, but they often lack the algorithm-sensitive detail that helps improve rank over time.

Faster Mobile Transitioning

If you want to be convinced that custom websites excel over templates, when it comes to mobile performance, just compare two of them side-by-side and you'll see.  Sites like Wordpress, Wix and others have come a long way in terms of aesthetics and tools, but this has very little to do with mobile optimization. If certain elements are overlooked, the site will never open and flow as rapidly as it should. This, again, can result in fast bounce rate and poor user experience which, you guessed it, can affect your website's rank potential.

Exceptional Custom Websites Designed that Perform and Rank

Whether you're dealing with a non-performing site or looking to do it right the first time around, CMS Max offers high-level fully-customized custom websites for businesses and professional organizations that take their success seriously.